VULCAN Spa and Hot Tub Heater | Raptor Supplies United Kingdom
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VULCAN Spa and Hot Tub Heater

Spa and hot tub heaters are used to heat the water in spas and hot tubs to a comfortable temperature. They produce warmth by heating a holding tank that feeds to the spa or tub or by installing to piping and heating water as it is piped to the spa or tub.


Spa and Hot Tub Heater

Vulcan spa and hot tub heaters are integrated with adjustable control thermostats for pre-setting an optimum temperature range and then automtically shutting off when the water temperature reaches up to 100 degrees F, thereby preventing scalding. Selected models feature a flow-through mechanism that uses flow sensors to activate the heater when water flows through them for a continuous water supply. Choose from a wide range of these storage water heaters available in 12.50 & 25 amp current ratings on Raptor Supplies.

Working Mechanism

  • These heaters use heating elements submerged in the water to generate heat when electricity passes through them. Burners or heat exchangers are used in gas heaters to transmit heat from the burning fuel to the water as it circulates. A heat exchanger is used by heat pumps to transport heat from the air or the earth to the water. These mechanisms allow spa and hot tub heaters to increase and maintain the correct water temperature, resulting in a comfortable and soothing experience.


  • Vulcan spa and hot tub heaters heat water either by flow through or immersion heating method.
  • These heaters have an operating voltage of 120 / 240VAC.
  • Most models come with unit-mounted thermostats to regulate and maintain the temperature of the liquid.
  • Selected models feature mechanical selector dial control for controlling liquid temperature.

Compatible Accessories

  • Vulcan control thermostats: They are designed to regulate the temperature differential of 2 degrees F.

Standards and Approvals

  • UL

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of thermostats in spa and hot tub heaters?

The thermostat in the spa and hot tub heaters regulates the water temperature to ensure that it is heated to the desired temperature and maintained at that level for use.

How to clean these spa and hot tub heaters?

  • Turn off the power to the heater.
  • Drain the water.
  • Remove the heater assemblies.
  • Clean the internal parts.
  • Reassemble and refill.
  • Test the temperature.

What factor should be considered while choosing the right spa and hot tub heaters?

Major factors include heater type and its size, capacity & efficiency.

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