Electric Washdown Heaters | Raptor Supplies United Kingdom

Electric Washdown Heaters

StyleModelWidthAir FlowAmps ACBtuHDepthHeightkWTemp. RisePrice (inc. VAT)
AQWD05432TLS13"700 CFM6.417,06018"19.5"523 Degrees F£4,499.67
AQWD10432TLS13"1450 cfm12.434,12018"19.5"1022 Degrees F£5,642.33
AQWD15432TLS20"2400 cfm18.851,18027"31"1520 Degrees F£6,581.99
AQWD25432TLS20"2400 cfm30.885,30027"31"2533 Degrees F£9,672.52
AQWD20432TLS20"2400 cfm24.868,24027"31"2026 Degrees F£6,759.93

Electric Washdown Heaters

Heavy-duty washdown electric unit heaters for use in dirty, dusty environments which require equipment washing or hosing regularly. Qmark electric unit heaters feature corrosion-resistant housing with enclosed internal parts which prevent damages. They can be comfortably mounted on walls or ceilings with a mounting bracket to free up floor space and employ a forced air system to heat the area. Choose from a wide range of these electric washdown heaters, available in 700, 1450 and 2400 cfm airflow variants.

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