Midwest Instruments Differential Pressure Gauges | Raptor Supplies United Kingdom

MIDWEST INSTRUMENTS Differential Pressure Gauges

Weather-resistant differential pressure gauges with an accuracy of + / - 3%; ideal for measuring the pressure drop across filters, strainers, separators, valves, pumps and chillers. Tri-color differential pressure indicators also available


Differential Pressure Indicator

StyleModelDifferential Pressure RangePrice (inc. VAT)
A555A-3.50 to 3.5 PSID£126.07
A555A-5.00 to 5.0 PSID£126.07
A555A-10.00 to 10 PSID£126.07
A555A-12.00 to 12 PSID£126.07
A555A-15.00 to 15 PSID£126.07
A555A-25.00 to 25 PSID£126.07
A555A-30.00 to 30 PSID£126.07
A555A-43.00 to 43 PSID£126.07

Model 130 Differential Pressure Gauge

StyleModelAccuracyBody MaterialDifferential Pressure RangePrice (inc. VAT)
A130-0111+/-3/2/3%Glass Reinforced Plastic0 to 10" WC£867.85
B130-0115+/-3/2/3%316 Stainless Steel0 to 15" WC£2,001.50
A130-0114+/-3/2/3%316 Stainless Steel0 to 10" WC£2,001.50
B130-0112+/-3/2/3%Glass Reinforced Plastic0 to 15" WC£867.85
C130-0113+/-5%316 Stainless Steel0 to 5" WC£2,001.50
C130-0110+/-5%Glass Reinforced Plastic0 to 5" WC£867.85

Model 140 Differential Pressure Gauge

StyleModelBody MaterialDial SizeDiaphragm MaterialDifferential Pressure RangeSeal MaterialPrice (inc. VAT)
A140-SC-00-OO-100P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 100 psiBuna N£943.65
B140-SC-00-OO-30P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 30 psiBuna N£943.65
C140-SA-00-OO-50P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 50 psiBuna N£902.12
D140-SA-00-OO-30P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 30 psiBuna N£902.12
E140-SA-00-O(AA)-50P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 50 PSIDBuna-N£1,084.71
E140-SA-00-O(AA)-100P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 100 PSIDBuna-N£1,000.36
F140-SA-00-OO-100P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 100 psiBuna N£902.12
E140-SA-00-O(AA)-30P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 30 PSIDBuna-N£1,084.71
G140-SC-00-OO-50P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 50 psiBuna N£943.65
G140-AC-00-OO-50PAluminum4-1/2"Buna N0 to 50 psiBuna N£509.85
E140-AA-00-O(AA)-50PAluminum2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 50 PSIDBuna-N£643.76
E140-AA-00-O(AA)-100PAluminum2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 100 PSIDBuna-N£643.76
E140-AA-00-O(AA)-30PAluminum2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 30 PSIDBuna-N£643.76
H140-AA-00-OO-30PAluminum2-1/2"Buna N0 to 30 psiBuna N£468.55
I140-AA-00-OO-50PAluminum2-1/2"Buna N0 to 50 psiBuna N£468.55
J140-AA-00-OO-100PAluminum2-1/2"Buna N0 to 100 psiBuna N£468.55
K140-AC-00-OO-30PAluminum4-1/2"Buna N0 to 30 psiBuna N£509.85
A140-AC-00-OO-100PAluminum4-1/2"Buna N0 to 100 psiBuna N£509.85

Model 120 Differential Pressure Gauge

StyleModelBody MaterialDifferential Pressure RangePrice (inc. VAT)
A120-SA-00-OO-100P316 Stainless Steel0 to 100 psi£530.21
B120-SA-00-OO-10P316 Stainless Steel0 to 10 psi£530.21
C120-SA-00-OO-30P316 Stainless Steel0 to 30 psi£530.21
D120-SA-00-OO-25P316 Stainless Steel0 to 25 psi£530.21
E120-SA-00-OO-15P316 Stainless Steel0 to 15 psi£530.21
F120-SA-00-OO-5P316 Stainless Steel0 to 5 psi£530.21
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-100P316 Stainless Steel0 to 100 PSID£591.61
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-20P316 Stainless Steel0 to 20 PSID£591.61
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-10P316 Stainless Steel0 to 10 PSID£591.61
H120-SA-00-OO-20P316 Stainless Steel0 to 20 psi£530.21
I120-SA-00-OO-50P316 Stainless Steel0 to 50 psi£530.21
J120-SA-00-OO-75P316 Stainless Steel0 to 75 psi£530.21
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-50P316 Stainless Steel0 to 50 PSID£591.61
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-5P316 Stainless Steel0 to 5 PSID£591.61
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-15P316 Stainless Steel0 to 15 PSID£591.61
G120-SA-00-O(CA)-30P316 Stainless Steel0 to 30 PSID£591.61
G120-AA-00-O(CA)-5PAluminum0 to 5 PSID£404.75
H120-AA-00-OO-20PAluminum0 to 20 psi£268.41
G120-AA-00-O(CA)-15PAluminum0 to 15 PSID£404.75
G120-AA-00-O(CA)-30PAluminum0 to 30 PSID£404.75
G120-AA-00-O(CA)-75PAluminum0 to 75 PSID£388.31
A120-AA-00-OO-100PAluminum0 to 100 psi£268.41
J120-AA-00-OO-75PAluminum0 to 75 psi£268.41
C120-AA-00-OO-30PAluminum0 to 30 psi£268.41
B120-AA-00-OO-10PAluminum0 to 10 psi£268.41
StyleModelDifferential Pressure RangePrice (inc. VAT)
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-5P0 to 5 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-5P0 to 5 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-10P0 to 10 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-10P0 to 10 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-15P0 to 15 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-15P0 to 15 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-20P0 to 20 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-20P0 to 20 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-20H0 to 20" H2O£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-20H0 to 20" H2O£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-30P0 to 30 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-30P0 to 30 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-50P0 to 50 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-50P0 to 50 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-50H0 to 50" H2O£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-50H0 to 50" H2O£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-100P0 to 100 PSID£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-100P0 to 100 PSID£1,366.35
A240-SC-02-O(AAA)-100H0 to 100" H2O£1,475.55
A240-SC-02-O(JAA)-100H0 to 100" H2O£1,366.35
StyleModelDifferential Pressure RangePrice (inc. VAT)
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-5P0 to 5 PSID£1,066.86
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-5P0 to 5 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-10P0 to 10 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-10P0 to 10 PSID£1,066.86
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-15P0 to 15 PSID£1,066.86
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-15P0 to 15 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-20P0 to 20 PSID£1,066.86
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-20P0 to 20 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-30P0 to 30 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-30P0 to 30 PSID£1,066.86
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-50P0 to 50 PSID£1,066.86
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-50P0 to 50 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(JAA)-100P0 to 100 PSID£1,199.57
A220-SC-02-O(AAA)-100P0 to 100 PSID£1,066.86

Dial Differential Pressure Gauges


Model 142 Differential Pressure Gauge

StyleModelBody MaterialDial SizeDiaphragm MaterialDifferential Pressure RangeSeal MaterialPrice (inc. VAT)
A142-SC-00-OO-25P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 25 psiBuna N£882.36
B142-SA-00-OO-15P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 15 psiBuna N£841.23
C142-SA-00-OO-20H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 20" WCBuna N£841.23
D142-SA-00-O(AA)-15P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 15 PSIDBuna-N£1,011.44
D142-SA-00-O(AA)-10P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 10 PSIDBuna-N£1,011.44
D142-SA-00-O(AA)-100H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 100" H2OBuna-N£1,011.44
D142-SA-00-O(AA)-20H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna-N0 to 20" H2OBuna-N£1,011.44
E142-SA-00-OO-50H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 50" WCBuna N£841.23
F142-SA-00-OO-200H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 200" WCBuna N£841.23
G142-SC-00-OO-15P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 15 psiBuna N£882.36
H142-SC-00-OO-5P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 5 psiBuna N£882.36
I142-SC-00-OO-100H316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 100" WCBuna N£882.36
J142-SC-00-OO-30H316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 30" WCBuna N£882.36
K142-SC-00-OO-20H316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 20" WCBuna N£882.36
L142-SA-00-OO-10P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 10 psiBuna N£841.23
L142-SA-00-OO-20P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 20 psiBuna N£841.23
M142-SA-00-OO-25P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 25 psiBuna N£841.23
N142-SA-00-OO-5P316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 5 psiBuna N£841.23
O142-SC-00-OO-50H316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 50" WCBuna N£882.36
P142-SC-00-OO-20P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 20 psiBuna N£882.36
Q142-SC-00-OO-10P316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 10 psiBuna N£882.36
R142-SC-00-OO-200H316 Stainless Steel4-1/2"Buna N0 to 200" WCBuna N£882.36
C142-SA-00-OO-100H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 100" WCBuna N£841.23
S142-SA-00-OO-30H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 30" WCBuna N£841.23
C142-SA-00-OO-25H316 Stainless Steel2-1/2"Buna N0 to 25" WCBuna N£841.23

Tricolor Differential Pressure Indicators

StyleModelPrice (inc. VAT)

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